gron - greppable JSON from the command-line
JSON is everywhere. Sometimes it ends up as a file on my disk and I need to parse it to use some data.
jq is the best-known way for manipulating JSON from the command line. It's flexible and powerful, but I can never remember the syntax for anything beyond extracting a single field.
I recently discovered gron which makes JSON easily greppable by printing each field of a JSON object on its own line.
gron "" | fgrep ""
json[0] = {}; json[0] = "2020-11-07T01:17:42Z"; json[0] = "[email protected]"; json[0] = "Tom Hudson";
A useful tool to have in the toolbox!
Add user and database to postgresql
How to create a postgres user and database.
Create postgres user
root@machine:~# su postgres
postgres@machine:~$ createuser --interactive --pwprompt
Add postgres database
root@machine:~# su postgres
postgres@machine:~$ createdb -O username databasename
Control NVIDIA Shield with Logitech Harmony and FLIRC
I wanted to control my NVIDIA Shield (2017) with my Harmony 650 IR remote control, but the shield doesn't have an IR receiver.
Purchased a FLIRC.
Problem solved! Harmony works a treat.
Run code in orgmode source blocks
With Babel you can easily execute code for a variety of languages from within orgmode.
To configure Babel for the languages I wanted to execute, I put the following in my .emacs.d/init.el
;; Configure babel for these languages
'((python . t)
(shell . t)
(dot . t)
(org . t)
(scheme . t)
;; run code blocks without prompting first
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
Then make a new .org file and try running a snippet in the file.
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output
for x in range(0,3):
print("Hello world")
Execute the code using C-c C-c (Control-c Control-c) with the cursor in the SRC block.
The results are included in the file like magic.
: Hello world
: Hello world
: Hello world
It's particularly handy for Graphviz. You get a nicely interactive way to draw Graphs.
Execute the block the same way with C-c C-c and you get a link to the graph.
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file graphviz.png
digraph architecture {
node [color=green] [shape=box]; "A"
node [color=blue] [shape=oval]; "B", "C"
"A" -> "B";
"B" -> "C";
"C" -> "A";
"C" -> "D";
"D" -> "E";
"E" -> "B";
Disable numbered headings when exporting HTML from orgmode
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
* Heading 1
Some test
** Heading 2
digraph architecture {
node [color=green] [shape=box]; "A"
node [color=blue] [shape=oval]; "B", "C"
"A" -> "B";
"B" -> "C";
"C" -> "A";
"C" -> "Z";
"Z" -> "A";
You can use a bunch of different shapes.
Tab completion for Emacs orgmode source blocks
I always forget the arguments to date.
Seconds since UNIX epoch
date +%s
Today's date yyyy-mm-dd
$ date -I
$ date +'%Y-%m-%d'
Next week's date
Use the -d flag
$ date -d '+1week'
Tue 30 Jul 14:50:03 AEST 2019
Convert local time to UTC
$ TZ=UTC date -d 'TZ="Australia/Sydney" 24 Jun 19 11:45 PM'
Mon 24 Jun 13:45:00 UTC 2019
Difference between two dates
$ START=$(date -d 'TZ="Australia/Sydney" 24 Jun 19 23:45' +'%s')
$ END=$(date -d 'TZ="Australia/Sydney" 25 Jun 19 02:55' +'%s')
# Number of hours between $END and $START
$ echo "scale=2;($END-$START)/3600" | bc
Set git to use emacs for commit messages
git config --global core.editor "emacs"
export VISUAL=emacs